How to create Facebook page & business page

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Why you should create a Facebook page ?

You need to create a Facebook page to let people know about your product or services, also to make your brand value in people and boost up your business

How to create a Facebook business page on Mobile

Step 1 & Step 2

Step 1) Create a Facebook account first.
Step 2) Make your profile (with classy profile photo).if you already have a profile so go to next step.

Step 3 ,Step 4 ,Step 5

Step 3) Tap the menu icon and select [ Pages.]
Step 4) Tap on [ Create ]
Step 5) Tap [ Get Started.]

Step 6 , Step 7

Step 6) Add a page name and up to three categories to describe your page and tap [ Next.]
Step 7)  Tap I don’t want to add an address. tap Next. tap [ Skip.]

Step 8 , Step 9

Step 8) You can add a profile and cover photo to your Page. Tap [ Done.]
Step 9) You have now created your facebook page successfully.

How to create a Facebook business page on PC

Step 1 , Step 2,Step3

Step 1) Create a facebook account first.
Step 2) Make a facebook profile.
Step 3) Open your Facebook profile.

Step 4, Step 5,Step 6

Step 4) At the top of the homepage, select Create [+] and choose [ Page ] option.
Step 5) Name your Page.
Step 6) Add a category to describe your Page.

Step 7, Step 8,Step 9,Step 10,Step 11,Step 12,Step 13

For More information click on link below

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