- Such the different types of the software
- 1) Types of CAD Software
- 2) Types of CAM Software
- 3) Types of CAE Software:
- The advantages, Disadvantages and Application.
- Advantages of CAD software
- Disadvantages of CAD software
- Application of CAD Software.
- Advantages of CAM software.
- Disadvantages of CAM Software
- Applications of CAM software :
- Advantages of CAE Software
- Disadvantages of CAE Software
- Applications of CAE Software
Types of Software
Such the different types of the software
1) CAD
2) CAM
3) CAE
1) Types of CAD Software
1) Auto CAD
2) Solid works
3] Fusion 360
4) Free CAP
5) Autodesk Inventor
6) Sketchup
8) On shape
9) Libre CAD
10) Creo elements / Direct modeling
11) Thinker CAD
12) Solid edge
13) Open CAD
14) Nano CAD
15) Q CAD
16) Micro station
17) Draft sight
18) Brics CAD
19) Auto desk Revit
20) Rhinocevos 3D
21) Solve space
22) BRL- CAD
23) Turbo CAD
24) Siemer CAD
2) Types of CAM Software
1) Fusion 360
2) Solid works
3) Solid edge
4) Auto CAD
5) Siemens NX
6) Gibbs CAM
7) Master CAM
8) Solid CAM
9) CAM works
10) Bob CAD
3) Types of CAE Software:
1) Fusion 360
2) Solid works
4) Abaqus
5) Sim 6cale
6) Solid edge
8) Simulink.
The advantages, Disadvantages and Application.
1) CAD
2) CAM
3) CAE
Advantages of CAD software
1) Save on time.
2) Decrease in the design effort.
3) Easy to edit
4) Decrease in the error percentage.
5) Fasy to share.
6) Increased accuracy.
7) Re-use code.
8) Improves accuracy.
9) Decrease errors.
10) Better quality.
Disadvantages of CAD software
1) Your design in CAD could be lost if there is o sudden breakdown of your computer system.
2) Your CAD designs will be prone to viruses if adequate measure are not taken.
3) If the right security measure are not taken your (AD designs can be hacked.
4) It may take several weeks or months to get to know how to operate the CAD software accurately.
5) Purchasing CAD or operating it every how and then can be expensive.
6) After purchasing the CAD software you will have to offer training to your resources before they use it.
7) You will need to regularly update the CAD software and the operating system.
8) Reduced storage space required.
9) Saved and modified easily.
10) Linked to CAM.
11) High quantity.
Application of CAD Software.
1) Architectural drawing of all kinds.
2) Interior design and facility planning.
3) Work-flow charts and organization diagrams.
4) Proposals and Presentations.
5) Graphs of all kinds.
6) Drawing for electronic, chemical, civil, Mechanical automotive and aerospace engineering applications.
7) Assembly design.
8) Production design and manufacturing
9) Create animations.
10) Automotive industry.
11) Textile industry.
12) Line drawing for the fine art.
Advantages of CAM software.
1) Greater speed in producing components.
2) Greater accuracy and consistency, with each component do not need to take breaks or finished product exactly the same.
3) Greater efficiency as computer controlled machines. do not need to take breaks.
4) High sophistication in terms of following complex Patterns like tracks on circuit boards.
5) Improves client Accessibility.
6) Helps improves productivity CNC machine.
7) Helps reduce material wastage
8) Fast and accurate production.
9) Labour costs are lover.
10) More cost efficient over time.
11) Accurate.
12) Production is quickest and efficient.
13) Machines can be run continuously.
Disadvantages of CAM Software
1) Computer errors are possible.
2) CAD and cam software can be expensive.
3) Training is expensive.
4) computer and controller to run the software and CNC machining for manufacturing is expensive.
5) Need a skilled workforce of engineer.
6) Results in loss of job.
7) Requires skilled computer operators.
8) Expensive to setup initial System.
9) less volumetric efficiency.
10) Improper combustion in SI engine.
11) Expensive.
12) Machine Replaces peoples jobs
13) Smaller amount of staff need to highly ruined trained run machines.
14) can be slower than traditional method.
Applications of CAM software :
1) CAM software is a program that uses numerical Control (NC) to create detailed instructions (G-code) that drive CNC machines.
2) Glass working, wood turning, metal working and Spinning graphical optimization of the entire manufacturing procedure.
3) Glass working.
4) On the machine.
5) Production and inventory planning.
Advantages of CAE Software
1) The reduced product development cost and time with improved product quality and durability.
2) skill of the designer.
3) Documenting the design.
4) Simplified sharing.
5) Reduce design and testing costs.
6) software flexibility.
7) Design flexibility.
8) CAE design software will save time allowing you to make more different design faster.
9] CAE design files can be stored and shored easily.
Disadvantages of CAE Software
1) Hardware Failure: computer breakdown could lead to loss of work.
2) Security : work can be prone to virus or hacked.
3) Shaft skills : Training may be required to operate the CAE Software.
4) Cost of system : New system can be expensive to Purchase.
5) Updates: systems may requires regular updating.
6) The software tends to very expensive.
7) Hardware normally needs to be high spec, so potentially expensive.
8) Mistake by users can remain undetected.
9) Computer error is possible.
Applications of CAE Software
1) The use of computer software to simulate perform once in order to improve product designs.
2) Assist in the resolution of engineering problem for a wide range of industries.
3) Control system analysis.
4] Optimization of the product or process.
5) Simulations of manufacturing process like casting. molding and depress forming.
6) Mechanical event simulation.
7) Thermal and Fluid analysis using computational Fluid dynamics.
Thank You !!!
Kumar Patil
अभियंता डॉ. मोक्षगुंडम विश्वेश्वरय्यावर निबंध
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